Residence Hall Housing Agreement for 2025 – 2026 Academic Year
Please read this agreement carefully. Acceptance of this agreement constitutes a binding agreement with Columbia College, SC.
1. The Columbia College Housing Agreement represents a binding agreement between the student and the College for the entire academic year noted above (official College break periods excluded) and when approved, entitles the applicant to a space in the residence halls. This agreement may be revoked by the College at any time and shall not be deemed to constitute a lease. This agreement may not be re-assigned, transferred, or sublet. A student shall not be released from this Housing Agreement unless the student is a December graduate, on official leave of absence for the semester, or withdrawing permanently from the College. The College shall have complete discretion in determining when to release a student from this Housing Agreement. Only full-time Day Program, Evening Program and Graduate enrolled students regularly attending classes at the College may occupy a room.
2. Residency Requirement: A first-time College student is required to live on campus during the first two years of full-time enrollment at Columbia College. Any request to be exempted from the residency requirement and/or released from the Housing Agreement must be submitted in writing. Request forms may be obtained from the Office of Residence Life & Housing, located in the Student Union Building.
3. Housing charges are established for the entire academic year, this does not include college break periods and are payable per semester to Columbia College at the Tuition Accounts Office. Rates quoted cover only the academic year for which housing is requested and are subject to modification in subsequent years. In addition, a daily rate may be charged for approved occupancy prior to or after the agreement period or during the Winter, Spring and Summer break periods. Request forms for such an occupancy may be obtained from the Office of Residence Life & Housing.
4. Columbia College offers an integrated room and board plan. Every student assigned housing must purchase one of the meal plan options offered by the College’s dining service. Incoming First-time College students must select the 19 per week meal plan option, while returning students may select either the 19 or 15 per week meal plan option. Seniors also have an option to select a 10 per week meal plan. An upper-class student may adjust a selected meal plan option, in accordance with the College’s meal plan policies, through the Add/Drop period at the beginning of each semester. Meals are not provided during the break periods and summer months, and the College is not responsible for providing other food options during these times.
5. The College will make every effort to accommodate a student’s request for a particular type of housing option, although it cannot guarantee specific accommodation. Assignments to rooms in the residence halls will be made in accordance with the established policy for priorities and based on available housing space (See Room Selection policy). Housing assignments are made in compliance with the federal laws requiring nondiscriminatory practices.
6. Rooms shall not be occupied by more than the number of students stipulated by the College. If, during the term of occupancy, this agreement is terminated by one of the students in a given room, the remaining student may receive a new room or a new roommate, as decided by the Director of Residence Life & Housing on behalf of the College. If the student has an open bed or beds in the room and that student is not paying for the use of the entire room, the student may only use one part of the room and shall make the other part of the room easily accessible for a new roommate to utilize at any time. Use of any bed and corresponding spaces not assigned to the student may result in additional housing fees.
7. If space permits, the College reserves the right to consolidate available spaces or assign a double room as private space at the privatized room rate. Temporary expanded occupancy, primarily in first year housing, is occasionally necessary until the reassignment and/or consolidation process occurs. All decisions regarding the designated use of space and assignments will be determined by the Office of Residence Life & Housing and shall be final.
8. Some rooms in McNair, Hudson, Wesley, and Mirse may be designated as double-as-single rooms. These rooms will have an additional charge for this accommodation, as established in the room fee schedule. Students will sign up for these rooms during the Room Selection (RS) process, following all RS rules of priority and selection. These rooms may be re-designated as double rooms as deemed necessary by the College. If this occurs, the students occupying these rooms will be notified that they will receive a roommate and will no longer be charged the increased room rate.
9. A student must complete the institutional check- in/registration process within ten days of the start of each semester to secure or re-secure a housing space. The College reserves the right to reassign unclaimed spaces at this time.
10. The Office of Residence Life & Housing must approve all housing changes. Requests for room changes for each semester will be accepted during the second week of each semester, as advertised by the Office of Residence Life & Housing. Room change requests occurring at other points during the semester will be considered on a case-by-case basis and students may be asked to accomplish other steps prior to the consideration of the request. Room Change Request forms may be obtained in the Office of Residence Life & Housing.
11. The College reserves the right to assess an administrative charge for unauthorized moves or for failure to follow proper residence hall check-in/out procedures.
12. In addition to the other provisions contained herein, the College reserves the following rights:
a) To allow entry by authorized personnel for inspection and repair, for disciplinary purposes upon reasonable cause of suspected violations of campus policies, to determine occupancy, or in an emergency (See the Room Entry and Inspection Policy in the Columbia College Student Handbook);
b) To allow entry by authorized personnel with reasonable cause to search for and seize items related to suspected illegal activity or violation of local, state, or federal laws (See the Room Entry and Inspection Policy in the Columbia College Student Handbook);
c) To alter rates and/or housing assignments.
d) To change or cancel an assignment in the interest of health, safety, discipline, improvement of the educational environment, due to facility related issues, or the general welfare of the students.
e) To bill and collect charges for damages; replacement of room keys; unauthorized room changes or unauthorized use of a room; improper check-ins or checkouts, failure to comply with Health and Safety guidelines; or alterations to rooms, equipment, or residence halls.
f) To levy and collect disciplinary fines or charges for violations of established conduct policies or provisions of the Housing Agreement.
g) To require a student to vacate campus housing and seek medical evaluation if the student’s ability to maintain personal safety and wellbeing is in question.
h) To require a student to temporarily vacate campus housing and the campus if the student is believed to be causing harm or have an intent to harm another student; and
i) To contact a student’s parent/legal guardian or emergency contact in the event of serious illness, injury, or concern for the student’s health or safety and removal from the residence halls for any reason by the College.
13. Each student is responsible for the following:
a) To maintain personal conduct in accordance with College policy and procedures.
(b)Honor all policies and procedures relating to Residence Life as stated in the Columbia College Student Handbook or as determined by the Office of Residence Life & Housing;
c) To use the residence hall room, with assigned roommate, for residential purposes only.
d) To assume responsibility for the actions of the student’s guest(s), including any violations of campus policy or damages.
e) To maintain the security of all keys issued by the Office of Residence Life & Housing. Keys and/or access cards of any type may not be loaned or made available to anyone other than the assigned student. Tampering with any lock system is prohibited.
14. A student may not occupy a room or store personal belongings there before the residence halls officially open for the fall semester or after the halls close in the spring semester. The Office of Residence Life & Housing may grant exceptions. The College assumes no responsibility for items left in rooms after the halls have officially closed and/or after a student has stopped residing in the room. The College maintains the right to properly dispose of and/or pack and store items left in the room after the space has been vacated (whether the space was properly checked out of or student fails to return for classes). The College will pack and store the belongings of a student who does not appear to be returning after various attempts to contact the student and/or allow time for the student to collect the belongings in question have been made. Once placed into storage, these items will only be stored for 60 days and will be disposed of after that time.
15. The College assumes no responsibility for items left in storage (whether placed there by the student or by the Office of Residence Life & Housing after packing up a room). The College maintains the right to properly dispose of any items left in student storage that have not been claimed by the rightful owner after 60 days (if items have been removed from a room by the Office of Residence Life or have no information about the owner clearly marked on them). Any items that have been properly stored by a resident in student storage that remain unclaimed 30 days after the start of the fall semester will be properly disposed of, without notification to the rightful owner.
16. Students must vacate institutional housing and cease using the institutional board plan within 48 hours after complete withdrawal from classes, any withdrawal that makes a student ineligible for full- time status, dismissal from housing, or when no longer regularly attending classes (See Residence Hall Policies in The Columbia College Student Handbook). If the withdrawal is considered to be a medical withdrawal, the College may decide to allow for additional time for these moves, but only on a case-by-case basis. College administration has the authority to require students to vacate from the residence halls in situations such as Interim Suspension or where there is a threat of harm to self or others. Interim Suspension will be imposed in all instances of physical violence or when a student’s behavior is deemed overly aggressive or includes threats of violence. In situations where a student is required to vacate the residence halls for Interim Suspension or a threat of harm to self or others, a student’s parent/legal guardian or emergency contact may be notified.
17. A student is required to vacate the room during all break periods according to the published timelines for each break period, unless approved for a break pass. At the end of the occupancy period, the student must remove all belongings from the room and complete the proper checkout procedures in accordance with stated deadlines. Failure to check out properly (as described by the Office of Residence Life & Housing) and/or return all keys and temporary access cards will result in administrative and/or disciplinary fines and/or charges.
18. The College assumes no liability for loss or damage to a student’s personal property due to fire, theft, or other causes. The temporary failure or interruption of water, heat, or other utilities will not give a student a claim for damages or reduction of room charges. All students are encouraged to research whether they are covered by their parents’ or guardians’ homeowner insurance. Students who are not covered are encouraged to purchase insurance.
19. The College reserves the right to assess students of a building or a floor for the expense of repair or replacement of any property damaged in common areas used by those students and their guests, unless the individual(s) responsible for the damage is/are identified.
20. A student will be charged $130 for the replacement of each lost or unreturned room key and $15 for each lost or unreturned temporary access card. The lock will be changed if a room key is lost or unreturned when a student vacates campus housing. Temporary keys will only be issued for 48 business hours and if unreturned (by designated return date), will be treated as a lost or unreturned key, lock(s) will be changed, and the student will be charged accordingly.
21. A student may not install equipment, alter (including painting or putting nails in walls), or repair the student’s room without prior permission from the Office of Residence Life & Housing. Waterbeds and cinderblocks are not allowed. Furniture may not be removed from the room/suite or disassembled and any items located in the common area may not be moved into private rooms/suites.
22. No pets are allowed in the halls with the exception of fish kept in a tank no larger than 10 gallons.
23. Due to safety concerns, the use of appliances and decorative items is limited. Students should be familiar with the list of restrictions noted in the Columbia College Student Handbook.
24. The possession of any type of firearms, weapons, firecrackers, explosive agents or dangerous chemicals is prohibited in the residence halls.
25. Alcohol, drugs, and alcohol and drug paraphernalia are not allowed in the residence halls at any time and should not be stored, distributed, or used inside the halls.
26. Guests are allowed in the residence halls following the guidelines established in the Columbia College Student Handbook. Babysitting is not allowed in the halls and minors have additional restrictions.
27. Quiet and courtesy hours are to be always maintained, as described in the Columbia College Student Handbook.
28. Smoking of any type is prohibited in the halls. Students should refer to the Columbia College Smoking Policy in the Columbia College Student Handbook for more information.
29. Solicitation of any type is prohibited, as outlined in the Columbia College Student Handbook.
Policies Regarding Refunds and Cancellations
1. The deadline to cancel assignments without a cancellation fee of $100 and being bound to the agreement for the academic year is August 1 for new students enrolling in the fall semester and January 1 for new students enrolling in the spring semester. Cancellations must be made in writing to the Office of Residence Life & Housing and must be received by the applicable date.
2. All housing agreements are binding after July 1 for returning students, after August 1 for incoming students in the fall, and after January 1 for incoming students in the spring. An automatic release from the housing agreement will be granted to rising juniors and rising seniors if written notification is received by July 1 for the upcoming academic year. If written notification is received by July 1, the student will be released from the agreement. If written notification is received after July 1, the student may, at the discretion of the College, be released from the agreement; however the students account will be assessed a $100 fee. A agreement signed after July 1 for returning students, August 1 for incoming students in the fall, and after January 1 for incoming students in the spring is automatically a binding agreement with no window of time to cancel.
3. A student whose residence hall agreement is terminated by the College for any reason will forfeit all room and board charges for the current semester.
4. A student who fails to claim an assigned room and key after the first ten days of classes will thereby forfeit that reservation for the current semester. The student will not be eligible for any refund of room and board charges already applied to the account.
5. A student who claims an assigned room and key and then decides to officially withdraw from the College will not be eligible for any refund of room charges already applied to the student’s account. Board charges will be refunded according to the refund policy stated in the Bulletin. Refunds concerning medical withdrawals will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
6. All refunds for housing charges or deposits are made in the form of a credit to the student’s Accounts Receivable account. Refunds are contingent upon:
a) compliance with the College residency requirement and the provisions of the Housing Agreement.
b) prior settlement of all assessments of damage charges/fines and other residency related charges/fines.
c) a written request submitted in accordance with all deadlines to reserve or cancel a room assignment; and
d) verification that the student is not indebted to the college for any other fees or charges.